Privacy Policy
IVR Doctors are research professionals mindful of privacy responsibilities to our clients. We do not share our e-mail list with any other companies or organizations.
We value our client relationships and will not disclose proprietary information belonging to companies with whom we work without their express consent and will gladly sign non-disclosure agreements.
IVR Doctors is a dba (“doing business as”) business collaboration of Brandt Marketing Group, Inc., and Camack Consulting, Inc.
IVR Doctors adhere to the Insights Assocation’s Code of Standards. Specifically, we will never provide respondent-level information (including, but limited to: name, address, phone number, email contact information, account identifying information) to anyone not directly involved in recruiting, moderating and/or paying incentives. This includes not providing respondent-identifying information to our clients - other than first names and broad demographic identifiers provided by recruited research participants (to fulfill recruiting quotas and targets). Individual respondents may request follow-up from the subject company of the research, in which case we obtain video and transcribed permission. These policies insure the absolute confidentiality of research participants’ feedback. All research participants are informed of the video recording of their session, in advance, and are given the opportunity to decline video and/or audio recording. We inform all clients that they are expressly forbidden from any contact with a research participant, unless express consent has been requested by the customer, then recorded and documented.
IVR Doctors also adhere to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and provisions for an affirmative opt-out by research participants of any programs offered by the company for whom research has been provided.
IVR Doctors retain all client recruiting records, reports, videos and transcripts of customer interviews in accordance with each client’s requirements (which vary by state, province and municipal jurisdictions). All records are maintained in a password-protected DropBox account, available only to IVR Doctors’ principals. Records are also purged, as required, according to individual client’s regulations.