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We’re fortunate to have gracious and grateful clients who’ll often share the results of their work publicly or who’ll tell others about their experience with the IVR Doctors.  Some comments include:

The two day menu design workshop and subsequent customer usability tests delivered by Peter and Mark exceeded our expectations. With Peter and Mark’s guidance, our team developed a best in class menu system incorporating all of the features outlined in our requirements. The usability tests offered us a unique opportunity to observe our customers using the new menus and helped to validate the decisions we had made during the design workshop.  We highly recommend the IVR Doctors.”


Steve Pothier, Manager, Call Centre

Nova Scotia Power

"The IVR Doctors offer a unique approach to assessing the effectiveness of automated systems and get into the guts of what matters - creating the right customer experience and driving bottom line results.  Their insights can only come from a firm that has detailed and diverse understandings of IVRs. 


They recognize that the key means really knowing the client's corporate and customer experience strategies in order to create the right blend of automated options and experiences.  Then, they test the system prior to rolling the solution out to thousands or millions of customers to increase the chances of success.  Their approach, knowledge, and proven results are the reasons why we happily suggest this firm to work with our own clients."


Jeff Lewandowski, Sr. Partner & EVP

Andrew Reise Consulting

“When our Contact Center management team was in need of market research assistance with our IVR system, there was only one choice, the IVR Doctors.  Mark and Peter’s effort began with testing new options for payment troubled customers, then based upon everyone’s very positive review of their work, we brought them back for an IVR workshop and for their IVR “Wizard of Oz” Usability Test. And they delivered so much more.  No market research firm brings such expertise and passion to their work than the IVR Doctors.  Results presentations are immediate, follow-up is always timely, and recommendations are very actionable…all of the components that spell success.”   


Don Frazier, Former Manager Marketing Research

PPL Electric Utilities

We were very pleased with the IVR Doctors' Move to Speech Workshop.  The session gave our team a solid understanding of the various levels of speech recognition, including pros and cons of each level and general best-practice rules to follow to help with a successful migration.  The session exceeded our expectations.


Robert Weber

Florida Power & Light

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