2023 Energy Utility IVR Benchmark Report & Consultation

100 fully evaluated and rated IVRs, plus a custom IVR improvement consultation and Q&A on IVR-related topics with your team.
The 2023 Benchmark Report, our 18th edition, continues our long-standing tradition of research and analysis into energy utility automated phone systems.
The Report rates and ranks IVRs on the key customer-experience and system optimization-affecting categories of Functionality, Usability and Aesthetics.
Whether or not your company is in the Report, all Report buyers get detailed company and comparative results for 100 IVRs across the U.S. and Canada...
...and will receive a 90-minute online custom consultation with IVR Doctors on their IVR. $995 for IOUs and $495 for Munis and Co-ops.
You will immediately receive a link to the Report upon
PayPal payment of invoice request.
Report buyers’ 90-minute customized consultation includes
specific recommendations for IVR improvement, detailed
exploration of applications to increase system optimization
and cash flow, and access to call center leaders.
To be included in the Benchmark and see how your IVR ranks
among your peers and participate in the custom 90-minute IVR
consultation, contact us: info@ivrdoctors.com